Thematic area

The game develops around three main paths: SUSTAINABILITY, INCLUSIVENESS and PEACE which have been chosen not only for the issues, so strongly felt today, and for the importance of passing these concepts to the new generations but also because these three general themes allow “to engage” in the same way the audience of all the partners’ countries (and in general to reach all the potential users), inserting resources/works/contents of the visual, pictorial, literal, cultural traditions of all the partners’ countries.

Sustainability and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): A Blueprint for a Better Future
The commitment to sustainability finds its global expression in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a set of 17 interconnected objectives established by the United Nations as part of the Agenda 2030. The SDGs serve as a comprehensive framework for addressing the most pressing social, economic, and environmental challenges facing humanity. They provide a roadmap for nations, organizations, and individuals to contribute collectively to a more sustainable and equitable future.
Aligning Sustainability with the SDGs
The link between sustainability and the SDGs is profound, as the SDGs encapsulate a broad spectrum of aspirations that align with the principles of sustainable development. Each goal represents a specific facet of the global challenges we face, ranging from eradicating poverty and hunger to ensuring clean water and sanitation, promoting decent work and economic growth, and combating climate change.
For instance, Goal 4 (Quality Education) emphasizes the importance of inclusive and equitable education for all, fostering lifelong learning opportunities. This aligns seamlessly with the social sustainability aspect of overall sustainability. Similarly, Goal 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy) resonates with the environmental dimension, highlighting the significance of transitioning to sustainable and renewable energy sources.
By promoting a universal agenda that integrates economic, social, and environmental dimensions, the SDGs reinforce the holistic nature of sustainability. Education plays a pivotal role in this interconnected approach, catalyzing changes and a driver for the achievement of the SDGs.
The Crucial Role of Education in Advancing Sustainability and the SDGs
Education is both a key target and a powerful tool for achieving the SDGs. It acts as a transformative force that can equip individuals with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to contribute meaningfully to sustainable development. Educational institutions at all levels, from primary schools to universities, play a vital role in cultivating a sense of environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and ethical business practices.
Incorporating sustainability into the curriculum provides students with a deep understanding of the interconnected challenges facing the world and fosters a mindset that values long-term well-being over short-term gains. By integrating the principles of sustainability and the SDGs into education, we empower future generations to become agents of positive change, capable of addressing complex issues with a holistic perspective.
Educational institutions themselves can exemplify sustainable practices, becoming living laboratories for environmentally friendly technologies, social inclusion initiatives, and responsible management. By doing so, they not only contribute directly to specific SDGs but also serve as models for broader societal transformation.
The Importance of a Holistic Educational Approach
A holistic educational approach encompasses not only the content of the curriculum but also the ethos and culture of educational institutions. It involves fostering critical thinking, creativity, and a sense of global citizenship. Students should be encouraged to question unsustainable practices, propose innovative solutions, and embrace diversity in all its forms.
Moreover, education should emphasize the interconnectedness of the SDGs, illustrating how progress in one area can positively influence others. For instance, reducing inequalities (Goal 10) can contribute to poverty reduction (Goal 1) and improved health outcomes (Goal 3). This interconnected understanding is crucial for developing comprehensive solutions that address the complexity of sustainable development challenges.
Conclusion: Shaping a Sustainable Future Through Education
In conclusion, the nexus between sustainability, the SDGs, and education is undeniable. The SDGs provide a comprehensive framework that encapsulates the essence of sustainability, addressing economic, social, and environmental dimensions. Education emerges as a linchpin in achieving these goals, serving as a transformative force that molds future generations into responsible global citizens.
By instilling sustainability principles in education, we not only contribute to the achievement of the SDGs but also cultivate a mindset that values harmony between human development and the preservation of the Earth’s resources. As we navigate the path toward 2030, it is imperative to recognize the pivotal role of education in shaping a sustainable future and nurturing a generation capable of overcoming the challenges that lie ahead.

In the context of environmental sustainability, it involves protecting biodiversity, preserving ecosystems, and mitigating climate change to maintain the planet’s health and natural balance.

Economically, sustainability involves fostering innovation, adopting green technologies, and promoting responsible business practices that benefit both profit margins and society.

Social sustainability centers on promoting social justice, human rights, and equality, ensuring that all individuals have access to education, healthcare, safe living conditions, and opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Overall, sustainability is a holistic and forward-thinking approach that seeks to create a harmonious balance between human development and the preservation of the Earth’s resources, leaving a positive legacy for future generations.

List of contents included in the Game's “SUSTAINABILITY path"


  • “Tutta una scivolanda” – The thirst of plants, Piumini R. | IBSN 8879263943
  • “Le giovani parole” – It is a treasure chest of perfection – the seed, Gualtieri M.  | IBSN 9788806227425
  • Abduction of Proserpina (myth) 
  • “Quel che c’è sotto il cielo. poesie del mondo che è in me”, Chiara Carminati, drawings by Carla Manea – Be a good neighbour, Tonino Milite | IBSN 8804749377
  • Kikker (a series of children’s books),  Max Velthuis 
Inclusivity and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Nurturing Diversity for Global Prosperity
The essence of inclusivity aligns seamlessly with the principles embedded in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a transformative global agenda designed to address the multifaceted challenges facing our world. Inclusivity, a cornerstone of sustainable development, permeates through the fabric of the SDGs, underlining the interconnectedness of social, economic, and environmental dimensions. Understanding the profound relationship between inclusivity and the SDGs is pivotal in realizing the vision set forth by the Agenda 2030.
The Intersection of Inclusivity and SDGs
Inclusivity is not merely a standalone principle but an integral component interwoven into various SDGs. Goal 10 (Reduced Inequalities) explicitly targets the reduction of inequalities within and among countries, emphasizing the need to ensure inclusivity in policy frameworks, social systems, and economic opportunities. By promoting inclusivity, societies can break down barriers that perpetuate discrimination, enabling equal access to resources, opportunities, and decision-making processes.
Similarly, Goal 5 (Gender Equality) advocates for the elimination of gender-based discrimination, ensuring that women and girls have equal access to education, employment, and participation in decision-making. This goal embodies the spirit of inclusivity by recognizing and rectifying historical imbalances, fostering a society where all genders are afforded the same opportunities.
The significance of inclusivity is further evident in Goal 4 (Quality Education), which emphasizes the need to ensure inclusive and equitable education for all. Inclusive education goes beyond accessibility; it embraces diverse learning styles, cultural backgrounds, and abilities, creating an environment where every learner feels valued and supported.
By acknowledging the role of inclusivity in specific SDGs, we not only address immediate challenges but also contribute to the broader objective of creating a sustainable and equitable world.
Inclusivity in Education: A Catalyst for Sustainable Development
Education serves as a powerful instrument in promoting inclusivity and is intricately linked to the achievement of the SDGs. Inclusive education goes beyond the provision of accessible facilities; it involves creating an environment that respects and celebrates diversity. Inclusive educational practices benefit not only individuals with diverse backgrounds and abilities but also society as a whole.
Inclusive education fosters a sense of belonging and empowerment, nurturing a generation that appreciates diversity as a strength rather than a barrier. It equips students with the skills to navigate a globalized world, fostering cross-cultural understanding and empathy. Inclusive educational institutions become hubs of innovation, where a multitude of perspectives converge to address complex challenges.
Moreover, an inclusive education system contributes directly to Goal 4 (Quality Education) by ensuring that all learners, regardless of their background, receive an education that prepares them for active and responsible citizenship. Inclusive education is not only about meeting the needs of students with disabilities but also about embracing diverse cultures, languages, and learning styles.
The Role of Inclusive Practices Beyond Education
Inclusivity extends its impact beyond the realms of education. In the workplace, inclusive practices contribute to Goal 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) by promoting diverse and equitable employment opportunities. In public spaces, inclusivity aligns with Goal 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities) by ensuring that urban environments are accessible and accommodating to everyone, irrespective of their abilities.
Social interactions are enriched through inclusivity, fostering community cohesion and resilience. Goal 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions) underscores the importance of inclusive societies, where institutions are representative and responsive to the needs of all citizens.
Conclusion: Building a Sustainable Future Through Inclusivity
In conclusion, the principles of inclusivity are intricately connected to the SDGs and the Agenda 2030. Inclusivity is not merely a peripheral concern; it is a linchpin that holds together the fabric of sustainable development. Through inclusive practices, societies can harness the full spectrum of human potential, breaking down barriers and creating a world where diversity is celebrated.
Inclusivity in education catalyzes positive change, shaping a generation capable of contributing to a more sustainable and equitable future. As we navigate the path toward 2030, the commitment to inclusivity remains paramount, as a guiding principle in the collective journey towards a world where no one is left behind.

List of contents included in the Game’s “INCLUSIVITY path” 


Historical monuments and landscape (other)

Peace and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): A Blueprint for Global Harmony
The concept of peace resonates deeply with the ideals embedded in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a comprehensive framework designed to address the world’s most pressing challenges. Peace, as more than just the absence of conflict, is a vital component woven into the fabric of the SDGs, underscoring the importance of harmonious societies for sustainable development. Understanding the intricate relationship between peace and the SDGs is crucial for realizing the vision set forth by the Agenda 2030.
Peace as a Catalyst for Sustainable Development
At the core of the SDGs is Goal 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions), which explicitly recognizes the pivotal role of peace in fostering sustainable development. Peace is not only an end in itself but a means to achieve a wide array of interconnected goals. A peaceful society, free from violence and conflict, provides the necessary foundation for eradicating poverty (Goal 1), ensuring zero hunger (Goal 2), and promoting good health and well-being (Goal 3).
Peaceful and just societies contribute to economic growth and decent work (Goal 8), as they provide a conducive environment for businesses to thrive and for individuals to engage in productive and meaningful employment. Additionally, peace is indispensable for achieving gender equality (Goal 5), as women and girls disproportionately bear the burdens of conflict and violence.
The Interconnected Nature of Peace and Education
Education plays a pivotal role in nurturing a culture of peace. Goal 4 (Quality Education) emphasizes the importance of inclusive, equitable, and quality education for all. A well-rounded education system not only imparts knowledge but also instills values of tolerance, understanding, and conflict resolution. Inclusive educational practices that celebrate diversity and promote empathy contribute directly to building a foundation for peaceful coexistence.
Through education, individuals are equipped with the skills to understand and navigate differences, fostering a generation that values dialogue over discord. Educational institutions, therefore, serve as breeding grounds for fostering global citizenship and promoting the principles of peace and tolerance.
Addressing Root Causes: A Peaceful Approach to Development
Peace is not merely the absence of violence; it is the presence of justice, equity, and the proactive resolution of conflicts. In the pursuit of the SDGs, it is imperative to address the root causes of conflicts and disparities. Sustainable development requires a commitment to social justice, human rights, and the rule of law, as outlined in Goal 16.
Efforts to build and sustain peace involve promoting inclusive governance structures, combating corruption, and ensuring access to justice for all. These elements are not only essential for achieving Goal 16 but are also integral to advancing other goals that hinge on the establishment of a just and peaceful world.
Building Bridges: The Role of Peace in Global Partnerships
The SDGs underscore the importance of global partnerships (Goal 17) in achieving sustainable development. Peace serves as a common ground that facilitates collaboration among nations, organizations, and individuals. It creates an environment where shared goals can be pursued collectively, and differences can be resolved through diplomatic means.
Promoting peace on a global scale involves fostering international cooperation, resolving disputes through dialogue, and supporting conflict resolution mechanisms. A peaceful world sets the stage for meaningful collaborations that transcend borders, contributing to the achievement of goals that require collective action.
Conclusion: A Harmonious Future Through Peace and Education
In conclusion, peace is not only an essential goal in itself but a catalyst that propels the entire spectrum of sustainable development. The SDGs, encapsulated in the Agenda 2030, recognize the profound interdependence between peace and human well-being. Education emerges as a transformative tool in cultivating a culture of peace while addressing root causes and building partnerships becomes imperative for achieving sustainable development on a global scale.
As we march towards 2030, fostering peace should be at the forefront of our endeavors, shaping a world where every individual can thrive in an atmosphere of harmony, justice, and cooperation. In this journey, education stands as a beacon, guiding societies towards the values that underpin a truly sustainable and interconnected future.

List of contents included in the Game’s “PEACE path”


Visual Arts


  • The Cloven Viscount, Italo Calvino, drawings by Emanuele Luzzati | IBSN 8804598905